Our Earth Day Fashion Foward show at the Lewis Theatre in Lewisburg on Saturday, April 20, 2024 was a grand celebration of sustainable fashion and ingenuity. Thanks to the contributions of many volunteers, donors, sponsors, participants, and attendees, we raised over $13,000 for our Get-Out-The-Vote campaign this year!
We're delighted to present the incredibly creative winners of our sustainable fashion show this year:

View our photo gallery of of all the wonderful contestants and creations
More show highlights:

Shout out to Susan Syner and Mary Baldwin, co-owners of The Lewis. Mary made these dresses and bags the morning of the show!

We are so grateful to all the Earth Day Fashion Forward event sponsors, contributors, and donors:
Presenting Sponsor: George Little
Root sponsors: Heather Hill, Diane and Bob Browning Branch sponsors: Dave Scott and Deb Schmidt, Meg Squier and Larry Levine
Twig sponsors: Sarah Umberger, Andrea Karrs, Greenbrier County Democratic Executive Committee
Leaf sponsors: Jeanette Chambers, Nora Browning, Gloria Martin, CiCi McLay, Carol Evans, Jaine Wyatt,, Mardi McMillan, Paul Detch, Shirley Sexton, Naomi Cohen, Ed and Carolyn StrealySamuel Godby, Vicki Dove, Owen Browning, Greenworks Recycling
Thank you to all who contributed items for the awards and silent auction, including: Erin Hurst, Walt Adkins Jr, Brenda Harman of Brenwood Forge & Broom, Bob Hoffa, Pam Bailey, Eddie Fletcher, Meriweathers, Dani Sabbag, Mountain Table, Lynn Payne Studio, Sean O'Connell Pottery, New Chapter Books, Sharon Harms, Suzanna Robinson, Karen Ayers, Karen Ayers, Margy Green, Samara Michaelson, Shirley Sexton, Aggies, Karen Cohen, Karen McClung, Wren's Nest Art Studio, Lewisburg Surf Shop, Aggies, Bella's Gourmet, Patina, Wolf Creek, Edith's Health Store, Greenworks Recycling, and the General Lewis Inn.

Special thanks to Sheena Pendly for her photography services.
Mark your calendars for our next Earth Day Fashion Forward show on Saturday April 19, 2025!
Press coverage of Earth Day Fashion Forward 2024:
Earth Day Fashion Forward event celebrates sustainable fashion and Appalachian creativity (Mountain Messenger)
A fashion show that celebrates sustainable fashion in Lewisburg, West Virginia (Reid Miller, Substack)