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Say no to hate speech and racial threats to children in our schools


The Greenbrier County Democratic Women’s Club is writing to express our concern about recent events reported in the news and on social media about alleged discrimination and racial threats to children in our schools. As mothers, as leaders in our community, and as former educators, we know that hate speech and racially motivated violence have no place on the school campus or any setting where school personnel provide supervision.

Adults – parents, teachers, administrators, community leaders – are the models for our students, and children should feel safe and protected by the adults in charge of their care, at all times, across settings, and without exception. Staff members who cannot provide that security have no business in our school system.

It is our hope that these allegations be taken seriously, with an unbiased and transparent investigation, and should these allegations be found true, consequences be meted out both to those who participated in these events directly and to those who chose to turn a blind eye to this behavior.

We will be in attendance at the Greenbrier County Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, April 9, to support our county’s children of color and we call on the board to take swift action on this matter.

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